About Advanced Collaborative Solutions

About Advanced Collaborative Solutions

Advanced Collaborative Solutions is a professional development and consulting group that provides consulting services to schools, districts, and non-profit organizations globally specializing in instructional leadership, collaboration, assessment, and goal setting.

Simple is NOT a trending concept in education. But there is a place for simplicity. We don't trivialize school improvement by suggesting it's easy. But when we embrace the values of simplicity and efficacy, teams of teachers and leaders can promote change, keep colleagues on course, and provide value to each other, day by day. At Advanced Collaborative Solutions, we don’t do philosophies, big-picture thinking, or strategic planning.  We provide tools and strategies schools can use to create effective teacher and leadership profiles.

Advanced Collaborative Solutions was launched in 2014 by Steve and Michelle Ventura, both former educators and professional development experts.

Download our informational flyer to learn more.